The Top 10 Best Weight Loss Foods of All Time | Fat Burning Foods
‘You are what you eat’
Are you confused what to eat or add in weight loss diet plan? Then hold on to this article where you’ll find the top 10 best weight loss foods of all time.
Foods are an important element of life. But these days instead of making us, some foods are destroying us with some major health issues, of which is overweight or obesity.
The main problem of the majority of people is that they sometimes fail to differentiate between foods good for their health.
To get rid of this overweight issue, all you have to do is some exercise and eat clean. Well, it seems easy but many fail to do it.
At first, exercise seems to be difficult, but as it becomes a part of your regular routine it is easy. The major problem arises is with the dieting part. There are limited exercises but unlimited foods and you can’t eat the same food daily.
If you’ll not take seriously to the dieting section, even though how much intense training you are doing the result is not gonna satisfy you.
First of all, you should monitor your total calorie intake of the day by using a calorie calculator because losing weight is all about the calorie intake and calories burned. You have to burn more calories than you are consuming.
We have made a list of the top 10 best weight loss foods which are very low in calories and are proved by the science about their importance in losing weight. You will also get an idea, what you should include in your diet in order to lose weight.
Green Vegetables
Green leafy vegetables were always related to a healthy and fit life. Leafy greens include vegetables like spinach, collards, kale, etc.
They are high in fiber but low in carbohydrate. So eating leafy green vegetable won’t give you that calorie headache. These vegetables are also rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Studies show that eating foods with low energy density like leafy green vegetables makes people eat fewer calories.(1)
Salmon is one of the best weight loss foods. It is a food of relatively low calories (208 calories per 100 g) and is also very fulfilling. It will keep you full for several hours.
Salmon is an incredible source of high-quality protein (20 g protein per 100 g), healthy fats (Polyunsaturated fat 3.9 g and Monounsaturated fat 3.8 g) and many other healthy nutrients.
It is also loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. Even many studies show it helps reduce inflammation, which is a major reason for obesity and metabolic diseases. (2,3)
Almonds are low-calorie nuts and are also rich in vitamin E and fiber. It is also a great source of healthy fats (mono and poly-unsaturated fats). Healthy fats are very much helpful in weight loss and also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
According to a study in International Journal of Obesity, people who added almond as a snack daily with their low-calorie diet lost more weight compared to those who followed the same diet but with high-carb snacks. (4)
So, next time when you crave to eat something, just fill yourself with a handful of almonds which is just 162 calories.
It is a superfood and one of the best weight loss foods, available on earth.
Apple contains an ingredient called pectin, which naturally slows digestion and give you a feeling of fullness. This also helps you to eat fewer calories throughout the day.
Even a study done on overweighted women shows taking 3 apples a day, can result in weight loss of about 2 pounds in a month. (5)
Apple is also a great source of vitamin C, antioxidants and fibers.
Chicken Breast
If your aim is to lose weight then adding protein to your diet is very much important. And chicken breast is an amazing source of protein.
The amazing thing is that it contains almost 0 g of carbohydrate and only 165 calories (for 100 g). If you are on a low-carb diet then feel free to include chicken breast into it.
Chicken breast is also one of the best weight loss foods because of its high protein content. Studies suggest that eating protein about 25–30% of calories can reduce carving by 60% and cause weight loss of almost a pound per week. (6)
Avocados can be called as the superfood of this planet. It is a type of fruit which is loaded with monounsaturated fats, potassium, magnesium, folate and vitamin C, and E.
This one single superfood can help you improve vision, good heart health and reduced risk of cancer.
Due to its high healthy fat content, this food becomes one of the best weight loss foods.
Even a study found those women who eat an avocado at lunchtime might eat less in the remaining time of the day. (7)
Whole Egg
Eggs are always underestimated when it comes to weight loss. Rather it is one of the best weight loss foods of all time which you should include in your weight loss diet.
An egg is a low-calorie food (78 calories for 1 egg) and is loaded with high-quality protein (6 g per egg) and healthy fats (Monounsaturated fat 4.1 g and Polyunsaturated fat 1.4 g), which are very much important for weight loss.
A study on 30 overweighed woman’s shows that eating eggs for breakfast made them eat less for the next 36 hours. (8)
Cruciferous Vegetables
Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts are known as cruciferous vegetables.
They are fulfilling and high in fiber as like other vegetables. But one thing that let them into this best weight loss foods list is their protein content which is the more than other vegetables, but less than animal protein.
Animal protein or meat is rich in protein but low in fiber. Whereas, cruciferous vegetables provide a great combination of protein, fiber and low energy density which makes them perfect weight loss food.
Chili Pepper
Chili pepper is the real fat burning food. It contains a chemical substance known as capsaicin, which helps reduce appetite and increases fat burning.
Even a study suggests adding capsaicin into a diet, increases energy expenditure and even can be used in anti-obesity therapy. (9)
Chili pepper also helps elevate the metabolic rate and is also a great source of vitamin C. Here, one exception can be if you get accustomed or build up a tolerance against capsaicin then its effect must be much lower.
Green Tea
You would have heard about this weight loss drink everywhere. And yes it will help you very much in burning those stubborn fats and let you lose weight.
Green tea helps in increasing the metabolic rate. It is loaded with antioxidant that helps in reducing inflammation, increase energy and burns fat.
According to a study drinking, five cups of green tea a day help you lose weight faster. Green tea also minimizes the risk of certain cancers like prostate, ovarian and collateral. It also helps reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease.
Conclusion: Best Weight Loss Foods
There are several weight loss foods, but we have chosen only those which you can easily find in your kitchen or in the stores near you. If you include the above best weight loss foods into your diet plan, then congratulation you’re going to lose weight. But exercise is also an important part of it.
If you want to lose weight in a healthier way, it is useful to practice At Home Tightening and Fat Burning Exercises
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